Parks & Recreation Advisory Council
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council (PRAC) was established in October 1980, to advise the Recreation Superintendent and Town Board on recreation-related issues that affect the town, which includes full-time staffing. PRAC's focus is on parks & recreation policies, programming, and facilities (both upgrading and new development). Consists of 10 members and serve for two years. A non-voting liaison serves for one year.
The Council meets usually at 7:30 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month at the Parks & Recreation Department Offices at 99 Elmwood Road, South Salem, NY 10590.
Ian Harris - Chairman
Nicholas Baran
Valerie Cancro
Jennifer Castelhano
Pietro Cipriano
​Rich Ellrodt
Daniella Goldman
Meg Kaplan
Melissa LeSauvage
Timi Parsons